Southern Creamy Pralines Recipe


1 cup whole fat buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 cup light corn syrup
4 cups of pecans
3 cups sugar
1 pinch salt


Combine sugar, buttermilk, corn syrup and salt in a very large pan (it will foam considerably when soda is added) and bring to a nice rolling boil. Add soda, stir and cook until soft ball is formed when dropped in cold water.

t 235° F on Candy thermometer, the syrup is at the “soft-ball” stage. That means that when you drop a bit of it into cold water to cool it down, it will form a soft ball.

Then remove from heat and add vanilla. Beat until color changes and candy thickens. Stir in pecans. Drop by teaspoons on a WELL greased non stick cookie sheet, foil or wax paper. If you do not grease your pan well it will stick (DO IT FAST before the candy hardens I drop mine on foil**

Southern Creamy Pralines Recipe Southern Creamy Pralines Recipe Reviewed by Recipe on 6:09 PM Rating: 5
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