Sweet Boondi Recipe

Ingredients For Making Sweet Boondi

Besan flour-1 cup
Water (to make batter)
Oil for frying.
To make Sugar syrup

Sugar -3/4 cup
water-1/4 cup
cardamom powder-1 tsp
For seasoning


Method For Making Sweet Boondi

To make Sugar syrup:In a pan,add sugar,water ,cardamom powder and boil it till it get a string consistency.
To check string consistency,take a little sugar syrup in a spoon/ladle and test it between your thumb and fore finger.if it forms a single string ,the sugar syrup is ready(make sure dont burn your your fingers).
To make batter:Take a bowl,add besan flour,add water little by little to form a smooth batter .the batter should not be too thin or too thick.
To Check the batter consistency,take a spoon and dip the backside of the spoon in the batter and hold it above the hot oil.if it drops as round ,then the batter consistency was perfect.
To make boondi,we need two perforated ladles(one for making boondi and another one for draining the boondis from the hot oil.
Heat oil in a pan for frying.
Once the oil is hot ,keep the perforated ladle over the hot oil and take a spoon of batter and pour over the perforated ladle and keep spreading in a circular motion.
cook the boondis on both sides.No need to fry till it becomes crispy ,just need to be cooked.
Likewise do the remaining boondis
Take a pan,add ghee once it become hot ,roast cashews and raisins.dont burn them .
Garnish the sweet boondi with roasted nuts.


Another method to check the string consistency of sugar syrup,take a small bowl of water and pour a little sugar syrup in the water,the sugar syrup should not get dissolved in water and you should able to gather that syrup from water .

Sweet Boondi Recipe Sweet Boondi Recipe Reviewed by Recipe on 2:09 PM Rating: 5
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